So I'm getting a little slack blogging what's going on, but some days just get away from me. Yesterday I picked up two kindergarten classes' jars of money for the orphans in ROG. Believe it or not, after one day, those 2 classes had $155!!! Second grade has just started and one little girl brought in $30, another boy got $20 for doing a chore and brought $10. A little girl in Catherine's class had been saving her change to give to St Jude's and brought it all to put in their jar. I'm so touched by the kids' generosity! How do we become so selfish so quickly? I'm also amazed at my kids, although they don't want to share with each other at times, they turn around and get so happy to give to others.
Catherine stayed out most of the morning on Saturday to sell lemonade (I think we got $5) and was so excited when she got a quarter! She also came in to tell me a man had gotten a coat and that he was happy about it. Samuel wasn't so excited to be outside since he had a friend to play with, but when we started giving the lemonade and kool aide to all the kids, they were competing, not to ask kids if they wanted any, but trying to get the glasses ready and give them to the kids. Samuel announced he wanted to take the $30 he's saving for a bike (he gave his other one away to bless another little boy) and use it for Hannah. He said "getting a little sister is more important than getting a bike." Melt my heart!
My washer died Sunday night with a full load of soaking wet towels! Dad came over yesterday morning to help me out, but we were a little stymied by the timer knob. It was a good thing we were because when I called the repair guy and he came to fix it, it was NOT what we thought it was, was fixed in about 5 minutes and cost about 1/4 of what it would have if it was the timer! I really would like to do less loads in a new frontloader, but we're not quite ready for one yet. So, I'm thankful this works and will keep working until we're ready to get a new one.
Buddy and I went to a banquet last night for a ministry we help support. The guy was at ORU and Rhema with me, was in Peru when Buddy was on a trip with Teen Mania, and is a fire ball! In 10 years, their ministry has seen over 1 million people come to know Jesus! When they were sharing about it, it stirred me up to remember life is about so much more than the day to day, make my life comfortable, grind. We're doing a small part in adopting Hannah, but I'm so excited to be partners with people who are going out and making a difference to so many. Each life is so valuable! Some day, Buddy and I will be on another trip together, watching God transform lives.
On a side note, I ate 1/2 a piece of the most delicious chocolate cake! Of course, I ate the strawberry that was with it. Doesn't that make it better? Evidently not, because I had a big headache last night! Remind me to NEVER eat that much sugar all at once again!
I hadn't read in awhile. It sounds like all is going well. I love reading what all is going on and keeping up with you better! Funny - chocolate cake never gives me a headache! :-)
Aw, Samuel. What a sweetheart. That reminds me of when Liesel sold all of her Polly Pockets to help pay for the adoption of Ava. She said, "I love Ava more than I love my Polly Pockets." And she LOVES Polly Pockets. I know the Lord will repay Samuel. And hey, chocolate cake never gave me a headache either. :)
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