Saturday, June 26, 2010

Got most of yesterday's list done. Today, it's more around the house things. The vacuum cleaner belt broke, so we have to find/buy a new one. We'd done so much paperwork during this time, I now need to pick out just the essentials and put them in the precious envelope that represents our work. Starting to think about packing, but the papers are filling my mind most.

Of course, when I pack for our usual trips, I think that there's a Walmart close by, so no need to torture myself. It's ok if I miss a few things. There are so many unknowns about Hannah, too. We've never seen her in person, nor have heard a clothes/shoe size. We're only making one trip, so we can't bring back the appropriate size later. We don't know how long we'll be there with her in our custody. We don't know if she's potty trained. I have some travel sized space bags, and it's summer, so clothes are lighter and we'll be able to pack more in our suitcase. I assume I'll be able to do laundry somewhere, if just in a sink, so we should be ok. I live in flip flops during the summer, so I need some shoes.
Right now I need to be making lunch...


Christine W said...

Hey there,
Don't count on a washer/dryer there, but pack lightweight things that dry easily. They do a lot of hanging things on a line. We had a line out our 16th story window and it was the middle of Feb!! Think non wrinkling lightweight. Even things like Boxers dry easier than briefs... you get the picture :-) Good luck to you! It's been a heck of a journey :-)
Christine Walters (Jules ROG 3/03)

Hi, I'm Alysha -But you can call me Lysh said...

Praising the Lord!! What a blessing :D I'm so excited for both your family & Alicia's!! God is so good & indeed in control. Will you PLEASE, PLEASE take tons of pictures for us? I'd love to send him a gift..will you send me your address via email & I'll have his gift out to you first thing on Monday? I promise to make it samll as to not take up to much space :) Again...Gosh, such a blessing!!! Yay! :D

Kristi Beers said...

I'm so excited for you. We have been praying about this for a long time. I know you have so much to do and on your mind....but it is so close! Praise God! Just wanted you to know we are still praying for it all and just thrilled with you.